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Auf dieser Seite stellen wir euch Hunde und Katzen vor, die in Tötungsstationen oder einem unserer Partnertierheime – teilweise schon seit Jahren – darauf warten, endlich gesehen und von lieben Menschen adoptiert zu werden.

Jedes dieser Tiere ist einzigartig und ein Individuum mit berechtigtem Wunsch nach Liebe, einem Zuhause, Sicherheit und Freiheit von Schmerzen, Angst und Leid.

Wir stellen die Tiere hier lediglich vor – die Vermittlung erfolgt über unsere Partnertierheime/-vereine.

Wenn du mehr über einen unserer Schützlinge erfahren möchtest, klicke auf den Link des Tieres an und du wirst zu unserem jeweiligen Partnertierheim/-verein umgeleitet, wo du alle relevanten Informationen zum betreffenden Tier sowie zum Adoptionsprozedere bei ernsthaftem Interesse findest.


Monetary donations

Only with your financial help can we ensure safe accommodation, daily care and, in some cases, vital veterinary visits for the animals in our partner animal shelters.


Donations in kind

As often as possible, we deliver urgently needed donations to our partner animal shelters. Food and medication are always needed, but also accessories such as collars, leashes, bowls, etc.

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As an animal sponsor, you can help cover the care costs of an animal that is very difficult to rehome due to age, illness or behavioral problems.



Castration sponsorships

The only way to reduce the suffering of stray animals in the long term is through widespread castration. Make your valuable contribution by sponsoring a castration.



Through sponsorship, companies or individuals can assume social responsibility and make an important contribution to animal welfare through monetary or material donations.


Foster home

Be a springboard for an animal into a new life - take it in temporarily and help it to recover from what it has experienced and to regain trust until the animal is finally adopted.


Monetary donations

Only with your financial help can we ensure safe accommodation, daily care and, in some cases, vital veterinary visits for the animals in our partner animal shelters.


Donations in kind

As often as possible, we deliver urgently needed donations to our partner animal shelters. Food and medication are always needed, but also accessories such as collars, leashes, bowls, etc.

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As an animal sponsor, you can help cover the care costs of an animal that is very difficult to rehome due to age, illness or behavioral problems.

Pflegestelle gefunden


Castration sponsorships

The only way to reduce the suffering of stray animals in the long term is through widespread castration. Make your valuable contribution by sponsoring a castration.



Through sponsorship, companies or individuals can assume social responsibility and make an important contribution to animal welfare through monetary or material donations.


Foster home

Be a springboard for an animal into a new life - take it in temporarily and help it to recover from what it has experienced and to regain trust until the animal is finally adopted.

Donate now


One time



€ 5,00

€ 10,00

€ 25,00

€ 50,00

€ 75,00

€ 100,00

€ 200,00

€ 500,00



Comment (optional)


Animal Protection Active Without Borders

Tyrol, Austria

Zurich, Switzerland

0043 (0)650 310 7 310


Donation account:

AT55 2050 3033 0310 9502


Animal Protection Active Without Borders - In Action for Small - Large - Wild

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