Welcome to Tierschutz Aktiv Grenzenlos
We are a group of committed animal rights activists and we advocate for those who do not have a voice that humans can understand, who cannot stand up for themselves and who are therefore far too often overlooked in our society and ignored in their most basic interests .
The guiding principle of our association is that compassion and our responsibility for animals must not stop at artificially drawn boundaries - therefore, our commitment is the protection of all animal individuals, regardless of whether they are pets, wild animals or so-called "farm animals", whether they live in human care or are "ownerless" and whether they are animals at home or abroad (worldwide).
Through our work, we want to help as many animals as possible to have good living conditions that are appropriate for their species and individual characteristics, and protect them from pain, suffering, fear, killing and exploitation. Together, we can change the world of every single animal...and eventually the world for all animals.
We appreciate any form of support, be it through monetary or material donations, by taking in animals from our partner animal shelters or by forwarding and sharing our posts.

Who we are
Deputy Chairwoman
Each of us has been committed to animal welfare in different ways for many years. At some point our paths crossed in animal welfare and now we are not only connected by a common concern, but also by a long-standing friendship and the will to achieve more together.
Our focus
Our focus

Für uns ist die Vernetzung mit anderen Vereinen sehr wichtig und wir sind dankbar gemeinsam mit folgenden tollen Vereinen für eine besser Zukunft von Tieren zu arbeiten:
- PCAS Rettung von Hunden in Tötungsstationen